Sunday, May 25, 2014

Take Back Your Kitchen in 31 Days: Day 25 - Catch Up

We are in the home stretch of Taking Back Your Kitchen in 31 Days! Here's a recap of what we've done so far:

Day 1 - Declutter
Day 2 - Oven Exterior
Day 3 - Oven Interior
Day 4 - Catch Up
Day 5 - Dishwasher
Day 6 - Microwave
Day 7 - Small Appliances
Day 8 - Ice Dispenser
Day 9 - Fridge Exterior
Day 10 - Fridge Interior
Day 11 - Catch Up
Day 12 - Upper Cabinet Interiors
Day 13 - Drawers
Day 14 - Lower Cabinet Interiors
Day 15 - Under the Sink
Day 16 - Upper Cabinet Exteriors
Day 17 - Lower Cabinet Exteriors
Day 18 - Catch Up
Day 19 - Lights
Day 20 - Light Switches
Day 21 - Sink
Day 22 - Garbage Disposal
Day 23 - Trashcan
Day 24 - Pantry
Enjoy the day off if you have done everything so far! This week, we are focusing on the finishing touches...the room itself. Walls, doors, floors, and more!

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